Hello and welcome to cheff morc's first famous recipe... and what better dish to start my recipe book with but Alphagetti!
this dish can be rather challenging to make it you get the steps wrong so you must be absolutely focused and careful on which step you are on..
1. Go to the cubbard and get the can that says "HEINZ ALPHAGETTI"
2. Bring it over to the counter and take time to enjoy the cartoon graphics on the can!
3. Use a can opener to open the can.. you can try to go another route opening the can by throwing the can against the wall. or taking a hatchet to it.. but these methods tend to get the kitchen a little more messy than it really needs to be...
4. take the Alphagetti and open the lid.. look at all the Crazy noodles.. and the ooey gooey tomato potato sauce is calling my taste buds.. this looks like a good batch.. its gonna be a sexy meal!
5. If you lick the lid.. you may get worms.
6. Pour the pasta into a flowered decorated pot. the design will make you feel comfortable.. like walking through a garden or some shit.
7. put the heater on medium and take a stroll through the house..a good chef lets his meals be made unattended because thats when the kitchen gnomes come out and add the secret spices to your meal.. make sure you leave on for about 45 minutes UNATTENDED!
8. Once the meal is finished cooking take the beautiful flower pot that you got from a Garage sale for $1 and unload it into the bowl! the heat will be a little intense so wear a hockey mask.
9. make sure you get it all! those little pasta bits can clog a drain no problemo.. they stick to the bottom of the pot like shit sticking to a blanket.
10. Grab a spoon and some chocolate chip cookies and Voila! you have made a tasty healthy pasta that will probably rush right through you in no time.. your probably going to be dropping your guts in no time.. the ingredients are so high quality that peoples bodys just cant adjust fast enough.. Bon Applepietitty monday freyr